With a snatch-width grip (hands wide enough that the bar contacts the body in the crease of the hips when standing tall with the bar at arms’ length), set a tight starting position—feet approximately hip width and toes turned out slightly with the weight balanced evenly across them; knees pushed out to the sides inside the arms; back arched completely; arms straight and elbows turned out to the sides; head and eyes forward; arms approximately vertical when viewed from the side. Push with the legs against the floor to begin standing, maintaining approximately the same back angle until the bar is at mid- to upper-thigh. At this point, continue aggressively pushing against the floor and extend the hips violently, keeping the bar close to the body and allowing it to contact the hips as they reach extension. Once you have extended completely to accelerate and elevate the bar, pull under quickly and aggressively and fix the bar overhead in a partial squat position. The bar must be locked out overhead and all downward movement stopped with the lifter’s thighs above horizontal. The power snatch is simply a snatch without a full-depth squat to receive it.

Lihasgrupp: Kombineeritud

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